Monday 31st July

In the afternoon we went with Martina for an ice cream, my second walk outside. Hurrah! On the way we went into the local Post Office to send pictures of me all round Europe; Mum and I only stayed for two seconds because it was roasting, but that was long enough for the two women working there to be taken under my spell, one of whom didn’t even lay eyes on me!

Dad said that as Mum turned the pram round to take me out, one of them caught a sideways glimpse of me through the cloth draped over the pram and started to go all misty-eyed: the other asked her what she’d seen, and she said it was a lovely little baby, whereupon they both drifted off into the particular kind of reverie common to most women thinking sentimentally about small humans; anyway, Dad posted some pictures of me to friends and family, and then we were off for an ice cream.

We ordered photo books for Granddad Mervyn and Granny Lotte: Mum and Dad are so pleased with theirs that they thought it would be a good idea for the grandparents to have the same thing, especially after all the help they’ve given us in various ways recently.

Findus came in the evening: he seems to be getting used to me, and it’s good he takes more interest in me these days. Soon he’ll be here more often!

I’ve started to expand my range of movements a bit: specifically, I’m moving my fingers a little more, and learning what my body can do. Mum says I make sounds like a baby seal when I sleep: I’ve only got her word for this naturally, but if it’s true then my vocal range is expanding along with my physical one!

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